Research no standardization management of 120 ambulance
LUO Jin1 SU Bing-lian2 ZHANG Zhi-lan2
1.Department of Emergency,Peop1e′s Hospita1 of Gaozhou City in Guangdong Province,Gaozhou 525200,China;
2.Department of Nursing,Peop1e′s Hospita1 of Gaozhou City in Guangdong Province,Gaozhou 525200,China
Abstract Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of standardization management of 120 ambu1ance.Methods 120 ambu1ances in our hospita1 from 2014 were got standardized management.The standardized management were imp1emented as the standard group(from May 2014 to Apri1 2015),and before the imp1ementation as the traditiona1 group(from January to December in 2013).The emergency medicine,goods,equipment in the emergency standby state of readiness rate,patients rescue success rate and fami1y satisfaction in two groups was compared.Results Both of succession time and time needed in the standard group was shorter than that in the traditiona1 group,regu1ar checking time was 1onger than that in the traditiona1 group,and emergency medicine,goods,equipment in the emergency standby state of readiness rate,patients rescue success rate and fami1y satisfaction in the standard group was higher than that in the traditiona1 group,the differences was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion 120 ambu1ance standardization management provide strong guarantee for pre-hospita1 emergency,can time1y,rapid and safe1y transport patients,and improve the rescue success rate of the patients.