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中国当代医药  2024, Vol. 31 Issue (1): 180-185    DOI:
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Research progress on factors affecting anxiety, depression negative emotions and health management in women of childbearing age with polycystic ovary syndrome
WANG Dan ZHONG Xiaolin LUO Zefang
National Health Council Key Laboratory of Male Reproductive and Genetics, Guangdong Provincial Fertility Hospital, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510600, China
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Abstract  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a more common reproductive endocrine disease in clinical practice, and the cause of the pathogenesis has an important relationship with the hormone secretion disorder in the patients' body, resulting in female PCOS patients of childbearing age are more likely to show irritability, nervousness, emotional instability, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions than the normal population, and anxiety and depression are the most important psychological distress of PCOS patients of childbearing age, which have serious adverse effects on their fertility, quality of life and physical health. In recent years, a series of studies at home and abroad have shown that the factors affecting the negative emotions of anxiety and depression in women of childbearing age are mainly sociodemographic factors, sleep quality, complications and sexual dysfunction. The domestic and foreign PCOS clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines point out that effective and standardized health management can significantly improve the treatment compliance of PCOS patients, and then improve their clinical prognosis. The manager-led multidisciplinary collaborative whole-process health management, family-participatory case health management and "Internet+" based mobile health management are the main management strategies for anxiety and depression in women of childbearing age with PCOS, which can effectively regulate negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. Based on this, this paper will review the status quo, influencing factors and health management strategies of anxiety and depression in female PCOS patients of childbearing age, hoping to arouse the attention of society to the anxiety and depression of PCOS patients of childbearing age and provide reference for helping them establish a healthy lifestyle with long-term compliance.
Key wordsPolycystic ovary syndrome      Anxiety      Depression      Influencing factors      Health management     
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WANG Dan ZHONG Xiaolin LUO Zefang
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WANG Dan ZHONG Xiaolin LUO Zefang. Research progress on factors affecting anxiety, depression negative emotions and health management in women of childbearing age with polycystic ovary syndrome[J]. 中国当代医药, 2024, 31(1): 180-185.
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