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中国当代医药  2022, Vol. 29 Issue (27): 25-28    DOI:
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The expression and correlation of P300/CBP-related factor and P53 in cervical cancer
LI Lei1    ZHANG Juntao1     CAO Shuping2▲
1.Department of Pathology,Dongying District People′s Hospital,Shandong Province,Dongying 257000,China;
2.Department of Gynecology, Dongying District People′s Hospital, Shandong Province, Dongying 257000, China
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Abstract  Objective To explore the expressions of P300/CBP-related factor (PCAF) and P53 in cervical carcinoma and the relationship between the two factors. Methods From June 2016 to June 2020, 79 cervical cancer tissue samples admitted to Dongying District People′s Hospital of Dongying City were selected as the experimental group, and 20 normal cervical tissue samples were selected as the control group. Immunohistochemical SP method was used to detect the expression of PCAF and P53 in cervical tissues. The expression characteristics and correlation of PCAF and P53 were compared between the two groups. Results The positive expression rate of PCAF in the experimental group was 41.8%,which was lower than 80.0% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The positive expression rate of PCAF in the experimental group decreased with the increase of clinical stage and pathology classification of cervical cancer, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the positive expression rate of PCAF among patients in experimental group of different ages and histological types (P>0.05).The positive expression rate of P53 in the experimental group(78.5%)was higher than that in the control group(0%),and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The positive expression rate of P53 in the experimental group increased with the increase of clinical stage and pathology classification of cervical cancer, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the positive expression rate of P53 among patients in experimental group of different ages and histological types(P>0.05).There was a moderate negative correlation between the expression of PCAF and P53 in the experimental group (r=-0.493,P<0.05).Conclusion The expression rate of PCAF in cervical cancer is low or even zero, which is negatively correlated with the active expression of P53. It is suggested that PCAF and P53 may play essential roles in the development of cervical cancer and may become important biological molecular markers for cervical cancer.
Key wordsP300/CBP-related factor      P53      Cervical carcinoma      Anti-oncogene     
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LI Lei
ZHANG Juntao
CAO Shuping
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LI Lei,ZHANG Juntao,CAO Shuping. The expression and correlation of P300/CBP-related factor and P53 in cervical cancer[J]. 中国当代医药, 2022, 29(27): 25-28.
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