Application of percutaneous tracheotomy and traditional tracheotomy in critically ill patients |
YAN Yinzong |
Department of Neurology,People′s Hospital of Yunfu City |
Abstract Objective To compare the application effect of percutaneous tracheotomy and traditional tracheotomy in critically ill patients.Methods A total of 60 critically ill patients who underwent tracheostomy treatment at People′s Hospital of Yunfu City from June 2020 to August 2021 were selected as the research objects.According to random number table method,they were divided into treatment group and control group,with 30 cases in each group.The control group was treated with traditional tracheotomy,and the treatment group was treated with percutaneous tracheotomy.The diameter of the surgical incision,intraoperative blood loss,operative time and extubation of the two groups were recorded and compared.Perioperative indicators such as the healing time of the posterior surgical incision,the incidence of complications and mortality of the two groups of patients after different treatments were counted.Results There were no statistically significant differences in the surgical incision diameter and operation time between the two groups (P>0.05).The intraoperative blood loss of the treatment group was less than that of the control group,and the postoperative healing time after extubation was shorter than that of the control group,the total complication rate was 10.00% (3/30),lower than 23.33% (7/30) of the control group,the mortality rate was 3.33% (1/30),lower than 13.33%(4/30) of the control group,the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with traditional tracheotomy,the use of percutaneous tracheotomy can effectively reduce the amount of intraoperative blood loss in patients.Percutaneous tracheotomy can achieve rapid healing of the surgical incision after extubation,and under this operation,patients are not likely to have related complications,the mortality rate is lower,and the prognosis is better.Percutaneous tracheotomy has higher clinical application value.
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