Abstract Objective To evaluate the data of the malignant tumor registration report from January 2005 to December 2016 in Xigang District of Dalian City in the aspects of data reliability and registration completeness, so as to provide a basis for further improving the quality of tumor registration.Methods All morbidity and mortality cases diagnosed as malignant tumors in Xigang District of Dalian City from January 2005 to December 2016 were exported from Dalian Cancer Registration Report Management System.Through SAS programming, the data were merged, deduplicated, summarized and analyzed, and statistical charts were generated.Results The proportion of histopathology (MV%) in Xigang District from January 2005 to December 2016 was 72.88%, cases with death certificate notification (DCN) accounted for 18.78%, and cases with death certificate only (DCO) accounted for 2.85%.There was still a certain gap from the national standard of <15%.The ratio of the number of deaths to the number of new cases (M/I) was 0.41, which did not reach the standard of 0.6-0.8.The percentage of new cases of malignant tumors registered in the same period, with other unspecified sites and unknown primary sites (secondary) (O&U%) was 3.13.Conclusion The MV% in Xigang District from January 2005 to December 2016 is higher than the national standard.However, the number of DCN cases has been in an increasing trend in recent years, reaching 35.54% in 2016.M/I is 0.41, less than the standard of 0.6-0.8, which is related to the high incidence rate of thyroid cancer, breast cancer and other tumors with good prognosis in Dalian City.The O&U% is 3.13%, but increases to 4.24% in 2016.In recent years, it has been gradually increasing, but the overall level is not high.In general,the reliability of tumor registration data in Xigang District of Dalian City is relatively high, but the completeness is not high, so it needs to be strengthened urgently.