Diagnosis of breast cancer by dynamic enhanced MRI dynamic enhancement scan combined with mammography analyze |
LUO Yong ZHOU Fei-fei WU Zhou-yang WANG Wei-ming WU Guo-hui |
Department of Radiology, Shangrao People′s Hospital, Jiangxi Province, Shangrao 334000, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the diagnosis of breast cancer by dynamic enhanced MRI scan combined with mammography. Methods A total of 60 patients with suspected breast cancer admitted to the Department of Radiology of Shangrao People′s Hospital from January 2019 to December 2020 were selected as the research objects. All patients received mammography examination, MRI dynamic enhancement scan examination and MRI dynamic enhancement scan combined with mammography examination. The clinicopathological examination results were used as the gold standard,the diagnosis results of the three examination methods in breast cancer lesions, the three examination methods and the detection results and diagnostic efficiency of pathological examinations were compared. Results The pathological examination findings revealed that of the 73 lesions in this study,58 (41 cases)were malignant lesions,all of which were breast cancer,and 15 (19 cases)were benign lesions.MRI dynamic enhanced scanning combined with mammography examination showed that the detection rate of breast cancer was 81.67% (49/60), which was higher than the 36.67% (22/60) of mammography examination and 51.57% (31/60) of MRI dynamic enhanced scanning examination, with statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Mammography examination were positive in 37 cases and negative in 23 cases, of 29 cases were the true positives; MRI dynamic enhanced scanning examination were positive in 39 cases and negative in 21 cases, of 33 cases were the true positives; the MRI dynamic enhanced scanning combined with mammography examination was positive 40 cases, 20 cases were negative, of 39 cases were the true positives. The three inspection methods had high specificity, sensitivity and accuracy for breast cancer. Comparison of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity between MRI dynamic enhanced scanning examination and mammography examination, the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). And accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the MRI dynamic enhanced scanning combined with mammography examination were higher than those of mammography examination and MRI dynamic en-hanced scanning examination, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion MRI dynamic enhanced scanning combined with mammography can improve the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis on the basis of ensuring the detection rate of pathological classification of breast cancer. It has high diagnostic value and is beneficial to early and effective treatment of breast cancer patients.
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