Analysis and solutions of 51 cases of discrepancy between positive and negative stereotypes of ABO |
ZHENG Zhao-li LIU Jing CHENG Xue-mei |
Department of Blood Transfusion, Lianshui People′s Hospital Affiliated to Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University |
Abstract Objective To analyze the causes of the discrepancy of ABO positive and negative typing, identify the correct blood type, and ensure the safety of patients.Methods From January 2012 to December 2020 in Lianshui People′s Hospital Affiliated to Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University, ABO blood group positive and negative typing specimens were selected for research.The microcolumn gel card manual sampling method was used for ABO positive typing, and the salt tube method was used for the reverse typing.For samples that did not conform to the positive and negative setting, relevant tests were added based on the patient′s clinical data, such as enhanced antigen antibody reaction test, absorption test, diffusion test, and irregular antibody screening test, etc.Results from 2012 to 2020, a total of 51 cases of ABO positive and negative typing specimens were identified in the blood transfusion department of our hospital.The influencing factors were as follows: antigen weakening in 14 cases (27.45%), hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in 1 case (1.96%), cold autoantibody in 16 cases (31.37%), antibody weakening in 11 cases (21.57%), excessive blood group material in 4 cases (7.84%), and multiple myeloma in 5 cases (9.81%).Sixteen cases (31.37%) cold autoantibodies accounted for the largest proportion among them.Conclusion The staff of blood transfusion department should be familiar with the operating procedures of various experiments, matters needing attention and the influence of diseases on blood group identification, and be able to flexibly select and combine various experimental methods to comprehensively judge the blood group results.
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