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中国当代医药  2022, Vol. 29 Issue (9): 37-40    DOI:
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Research progress of knee-saving surgery for knee osteoarthritis
XU Panfeng WEI Yanguo▲ LIANG Jiongwen YANG Shangrong ZHOU Yuanlin
The First Department of Orthopaedic Trauma, Guangxi Zhuang Medical Hospital, Liuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Liuzhou 545001, China
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Abstract  Knee osteoarthritis (KOA)is one of the common diseases in the field of orthopedics, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. At present, the commonly used knee sparing surgical treatment schemes include arthroscopic surgery, high tibial osteotomy (HTO), unicondylar joint replacement (UKA) and proximal fibula osteotomy (FO).Each surgical procedure has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of surgical method is a topic of discussion in the medical field recently. In order to explore the clinical efficacy of four kinds of knee sparing surgery for knee osteoarthritis, this study is to summarize and conclude some recent methods of knee sparing surgery in KOA. The advantages and disadvantages, indications and complications of four types of KOA knee sparing surgery were reviewed.According to the analysis of its curative effect, each surgical technique has its advantages and limitations. If there is little trauma, quick recovery, low cost, less damage to other bone tissues, and no impact on other surgical plans in the future, peroneal osteotomy and knee arthroscopy can be given priority. For early and young patients, high tibial osteotomy can be used in pursuit of greater mobility. In elderly patients, in order to reduce postoperative complications and revision rate, knee joint single condyle replacement can be selected. At the same time of choosing surgical plan, we should consider many factors to make an appropriate surgical plan for patients.
Key wordsKnee surgery      High tibial osteotomy      Single condylar joint replacement      Proximal fibula osteotomy;Arthroscopic     
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Articles by authors
XU Panfeng
WEI Yanguo▲
LIANG Jiongwen
YANG Shangrong
ZHOU Yuanlin
Cite this article:   
XU Panfeng,WEI Yanguo▲,LIANG Jiongwen, et al. Research progress of knee-saving surgery for knee osteoarthritis[J]. 中国当代医药, 2022, 29(9): 37-40.
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