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中国当代医药  2022, Vol. 29 Issue (3): 195-196    DOI:
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Analysis of the application effect of non-temperature-sensitive memory foam mattress in patients with inevitable pressure ulcers
ZHANG Ting    HU Zhaoxia    MAO Jingjing     HUANG Qingqing    CHEN Min
Department of Neurology,the First People′s Hospital of Jiujiang City,Jiangxi Province,Jiujiang 332000,China
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Abstract  Objective To explore the effect of non-temperature-sensitive memory foam mattress in patients with inevitable pressure ulcers.Methods A total of 92 patients with inevitable pressure ulcers admitted to the First People′s Hospital of Jiujiang City from April 2020 to April 2021 were selected and divided into two groups according to the random number table method,with 46 cases in each group.The control group used an ordinary air bed,and the observation group used a non-temperature-sensitive memory foam mattress to intervene until the patient was discharged.The incidence,comfort,and satisfaction of patients and nursing staff were compared between the two groups.Results There was no significant difference in the incidence of pressure ulcers between the two groups at an interval of 4 hours (P>0.05).The comfort status scale (GCQ) score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group,the patient satisfaction rate was 95.65%,which was higher than 80.43% of the control group,the nursing staff satisfaction was 94.12%,which was higher than 76.47% of the control group,the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion The non-temperature-sensitive memory foam mattress has a good application effect in patients with inevitable pressure ulcers,which can reduce the occurrence of pressure ulcers,improve patients′ comfort,and improve patients′ and nursing staffs′ satisfaction.
Key wordsInevitable pressure ulcers      Non-temperature-sensitive memory foam mattresses      Pressure ulcers      Comfort      Nursing satisfaction     
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HU Zhaoxia
MAO Jingjing
HUANG Qingqing
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ZHANG Ting,HU Zhaoxia,MAO Jingjing, et al. Analysis of the application effect of non-temperature-sensitive memory foam mattress in patients with inevitable pressure ulcers[J]. 中国当代医药, 2022, 29(3): 195-196.
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