Exploration of the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of H-type hypertension based on data mining |
CAO Baoguo1 LIU Huijuan2 WEI Lingxia3▲ DONG Li4 WANG Heng1 FAN Hongbo |
1.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianshui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Gansu Province,Tianshui 741000,China;
2.Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacy,Tianshui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Gansu Province,Tianshui 741000,China;
3.Department of Pharmacy,Tianshui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Gansu Province,Tianshui 741000,China;
4.Department of Encephalopathy,Tianshui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Gansu Province,Tianshui 741000,China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the clinical medication characteristics and prescription rules of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of H-type hypertension by data mining technology.Methods CNKI,Wanfang,VIP and other databases were used as literature sources,all compound prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine for the clinical treatment of H-type hypertension were deleted according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.SPSS Statistics 24.0 software was used to make classified statistics on the frequency,nature,taste,meridian and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine,and systematic cluster analysis was carried out on high-frequency traditional Chinese medicine,the Apriori algorithm in SPSS Modeler 18.0 software was used to analyze the association rules of high-frequency traditional Chinese medicine.Results A total of 76 prescriptions were included,involving 147 traditional Chinese medicines,with a cumulative frequency of 748,and 21 traditional Chinese medicines with a frequency of ≥10,including Gastrodiae rhizoma,Pinelliae rhizoma and Poria.The medicines are mainly tonic medicines,blood-activating and stasis-removing medicines,and liver-relieving wind-suppressing medicines,which mainly enter the liver,spleen,and lung meridians.The drugs are mostly warm,cold and flat,and the taste is mostly sweet,bitter and pungent.The cluster analysis of high-frequency traditional Chinese medicines was clustered into 5 categories,and the association rule analysis obtained 7 binomial associations,29 three-item associations,11 four-item associations,and 1 five-item association.Conclusion The treatment of H-type hypertension with traditional Chinese medicine is mainly to invigorate deficiency,and also to regulate qi and spleen,dry dampness and phlegm,promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.
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