2 microglobulin;Cystatin C;Estimated glomerular filtration rate," /> 2 ,微球蛋白,胱抑素C,肾小球滤过率,"/> 2 microglobulin;Cystatin C;Estimated glomerular filtration rate,"/> Relationship between blood concentration of Vancomycin and renal function indicators
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中国当代医药  2020, Vol. 27 Issue (27): 8-11    DOI:
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Relationship between blood concentration of Vancomycin and renal function indicators
LI Jian-jun1 ZHANG Hu1 WU Wei2 SHI Dan3▲#br#
1. Department of Nephrology, Huishan People′s Hospital of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, Wuxi 214187, China; 
2. Department of Laboratory, 904th Hospital of the PLA (formerly 101 Hospital), Jiangsu Province, Wuxi 214044, China;
3. Department of Neurology, 904th Hospital of the PLA (formerly 101 Hospital), Jiangsu Province, Wuxi 214044, China
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