鸡西矿业集团总医院,黑龙江鸡西 158100
随着我国人口老龄化的日趋加剧,脑卒中的发病率呈逐年上升趋势[1-3],其中短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)因其可干预性较强,越来越受到人们重视。TIA发生缺血/再灌注损伤几乎不可避免。依达拉奉(Edaravone,MCI-186)作为神经细胞保护剂,具有清除自由基、抑制脑细胞的过氧化作用,可减轻脑缺血及继发脑水肿及组织损伤。本研究给予TIA患者依达拉奉干预治疗,旨在探讨依达拉奉对TIA缺血/再灌注的疗效及机制。
1.1 一般资料
1.2 入选标准及排除标准
1.2.1 入选标准 ①发病时间<48 h;②符合2015年中华医学会神经病学分会脑血管病学组制订的中国缺血性脑卒中和短暂性脑缺血发作二级预防诊断标准[4];③均经颅脑MRI确诊。
1.2.2 排除标准 ①急性梗死以及合并其他中枢神经系统疾病;②近期有心肌梗死史、严重创伤或重大手术史;③有各种急慢性炎症、肿瘤、风湿及结缔组织病、肝肾心功能衰竭者。
1.3 方法
所有患者均常规给予抗血小板聚集、降脂稳定血管内斑块、扩血管药物以及各种基础对症治疗。A组、B组、C组在此基础上加用依达拉奉注射液(商品名:必存,10mg/支)30mg+0.9%氯化钠溶液100ml,静脉滴注30 min,2次/d,连续2周。为避免结果偏颇,由2位受过专业训练的医师通过面对面问卷患者及看护者在发作时及治疗后第3、14、28天进行美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表 (national institute of health stroke scale,NIHSS)[5]及日常生活活动能力Barthel指数评分[6-7],其得分值取均值。
1.4 观察指标
1.5 统计学处理
采用SPSS 18.0统计学软件对数据进行分析,计量资料以
![]() 2结果
2.1 各组不同时间段神经功能缺损评分的比较
各组发作时的NIHSS评分比较,差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05)。C组和F组治疗后第3、14、28天的NIHSS评分显著低于A、B、D、E组,A组的NIHSS评分低于D组,B组的NIHSS评分低于E组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各组治疗后第3、14、28天的NIHSS评分均降低,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05)(表1)。
表1 各组不同时间段神经功能缺损评分的比较(分,
![]() 与A、B、D、E组同时间点比较,*P<0.05;与同组发作时比较,#P<0.05;与D组同时间点比较,△P<0.05;与E组同时间点比较,▲P<0.05
2.2 各组不同时间段日常生活活动能力评分的比较
表2 各组不同时间段日常生活活动能力评分的比较(分,
![]() 与A、B、D、E组同时间点比较,*P<0.05;与同组发作时比较,#P<0.05;与D组同时间点比较,△P<0.05;与E组同时间点比较,▲P<0.05
2.3 各组的不良反应发生情况分析
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Intervention observation and research of the Edaravone in transient ischem ic attack
LIU Jing-jing
General Hospital of JixiMining Industry Group,Jixi 158100,China
[Abstract]Objective To explore the improvement of neurologic function impairment and themechanism for Edaravone in patientswith transient ischemic attack (TIA). Methods 120 patientswith TIA admitted to the department of neurology in our hospital and met the inclusion criteria from April 2015 to April 2016 were selected and divided into the highrisk group,themedium risk group and the low risk group according to risk stratification of ABCD2,40 cases in each group.Each subgroup was divided into group A (high risk group treated with Edaravone),group B (medium risk group treated with Edaravone),group C(low risk group treated with Edaravone),group D(high risk group treated with the basis for treatment),group E(medium risk group treated with the basis for treatment),group F(low risk group treated with the basis for treatment),20 cases in each group.The score of NIHSSand the score of daily life activities ability among each group was compared in attack,after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays and the incidence rate of adverse reaction was recorded.Results The score of NIHSSafter treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in group C and group F was lower than that in group A,group B,group D,group E,the score of NIHSSafter treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in group A was lower than that in group D,the score of NIHSS after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in group B was lower than that in group E,with significant difference (P<0.05).The score of NIHSS after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in each group were all decreased,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The score of daily life activities ability after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in group C and group F was higher than that in group A,group B,group D,group E,the score of daily life activities ability after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in group A was higher than that in group D,the score of daily life activities ability after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in group B was higher than that in group E,with significant difference (P<0.05).The score of daily life activities ability after treatment at the 3rddays,14thdays,28thdays in each group were all increased,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).There was no obvious adverse reaction in each group.Conclusion Edaravone can improve the neurologic function impairment of high,moderate risk groupswith TIA,and the security is higher.
[Key words]Edaravone;Transient ischemic attack;Neurologic function impairment;Ischemia/reperfusion
收稿日期:(2016-08-09 本文编辑:祁海文) |