辽宁省朝阳市中心医院骨外二科,辽宁朝阳 122000
[摘要]目的 探讨肱骨近端内固定锁定系统(PHILOS)治疗老年肱骨近端骨折的效果。方法 将我院2010年1月~2014年12月收治的89例老年肱骨近端骨折患者按治疗方法的不同分为PHILOS组 (45例)和传统组(44)。PHILOS组给予PHILOS治疗。传统组给予传统的钢板内固定术治疗。观察两组患者的手术时间、术中出血量及术后并发症。采用Neer评定标准评价肩关节功能,比较两组患者术后1年的肩关节功能。结果 PHILOS组患者术中出血量为(198.2±26.9)ml,手术时间为(61.5±13.9)min,术后并发症发生率为4.4%;传统组分别为(276.6± 25.8)ml、(91.5±14.0)min、20.4%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。术后1年进行随访,PHILOS组患者肩关节功能优24例(53.3%),良18例(40.0%),可3例(6.7%),差0例(0);传统组分别为12例(27.3%)、15例(34.1%)、可10例(2.7%)、7例(15.9%)。两组患者优良率分别为93.3%、61.4%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 PHILOS治疗老年肱骨近端骨折较传统的治疗方法对机体的损伤小,肩关节功能恢复好,值得临床推广应用。
肱骨近端骨折常发生于老年人,随着社会的老龄化,发病率逐年升高。对于不稳定的肱骨骨折临床大多选择手术治疗。随着手术技术的发展和手术器材的改进,肱骨近端内固定锁定系统(proximal humeral internal locking system,PHILOS)治疗老年肱骨近端骨折逐渐被临床广泛应用[1-5]。现对我院收治的89例老年肱骨近端骨折患者的临床资料进行分析,旨在探讨PHILOS治疗老年肱骨近端骨折的效果,为临床治疗提供依据。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
表1 两组老年肱骨近端骨折患者一般资料的比较
1.2 手术方法
PHILOS组患者给予PHILOS治疗。具体方法如下:患者取仰卧位,全身麻醉,采用肱骨近外侧入路[7-8],暴露骨折端,保持患者肘关节屈曲外旋,使移位的肱骨头位于生理解剖位置,选择合适长度PHILOS,放置于大结节顶点下方5~7 mm,节间沟后外侧的3~4mm。复位满意后,依次植入近端锁定螺钉,近端至少5枚锁定螺钉固定,远端至少3枚锁定螺钉固定。在C形臂X线机透视下确定骨折端对位佳后,选用抗菌薇荞线缝扎。直视下观察肩关节活动无受限后,缝合关节囊,置入引流管,逐层缝合。
1.3 术后处理
术后给予常规的抗感染治疗,保持患侧屈肘90° 4周;引流管一般48 h拔除。术后3 d开始肩关节被动活动训练。
1.4 观察指标
1.5 统计学方法
采用SPSS 17.0统计软件进行数据分析,呈正态分布的计量资料以
![]() 2 结果
2.1 两组患者术中各指标的比较
2.2 两组患者肩关节功能的比较
PHILOS组患者肩关节功能优24例 (53.3%),良18例(40.0%),可3例(6.7%),差0例(0)。传统组分别12例(27.3%)、15例(34.1%)、可10例(2.7%)、7例(15.9%)。两组患者优良率分别为93.3%、61.4%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
2.3 两组患者术后并发症发生率的比较
3 讨论
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The clinical efficacy of proximal humeral internal locking systemin treatment of proximal humeral fracturesin elderly patients
ZHANG Chuan-hui
The Second Department of Orthopedics,Central Hospital of Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province,Chaoyang 122000,China [Abstract]Objective To investigate the clinical effect of proximal humeral internal locking system(PHILOS)in treatment of proximal humeral fractures in elderly patients.Methods 89 cases of elderly patients with proximal humeral fractureswho were hospitalized in our hospital from January 2010 to December 2014 were selected as our object.They were divided into the PHILOSgroup(45 cases)and the control group(44 cases)by treatmentmethods.The patients in the PHILOSgroup were treated with PHILOSand the patients in the control group were treated with locking plate fixation. The duration of operation,intraoperative blood loss,postoperative complicationsin between two groups were recorded.The recovery of shoulder joint function were compared between PHILOSgroup.The recovery of shoulder joint function were evaluated with Neer evaluation criteria and control group 1 year after operation.Results The duration of operation in PHILOSgroup[(61.5±13.9)min]was shorter than that in control group[(91.5±14.0)min](P<0.05).The intraoperative blood loss in PHILOSgroup[(198.2±26.9)ml]was less than that in control group[(276.6±25.8)ml](P<0.05).The postoperative complicationsin PHILOSgroup(4.4%)was lower than that in control group(20.4%)(P<0.05).In PHILOSgroup,best shoulder joint function was in 24 cases(53.3%),good in 18 cases(40.0%),general in 3 cases(6.7%),poor in 0 case.In control group,best shoulder joint function was in 12 cases(27.3%),good in 15 cases(34.1%),general in 10 cases(2.7%),poor in 7 cases(15.9%).The excellent rates of the two groupswere 93.3%and 61.4%respectively the differencewas statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion PHILOShas the advantages of less damage and good recovery of shoulder joint function with locking plate fixation in treatment of proximal humeral fractures in elderly patients.This treatment is worth clinical promotion.
[Key words]Proximalhumeral fractures;Elderly patients;Proximalhumeral internal locking system;Shoulder joint function
(收稿日期:2016-06-28本文编辑:王红双) |