Application effect of 6S management method in drug management of senile cardiovascular medicine ward |
LI Na LI Yan-hong |
Department of Geriatrics, Zibo Mining Group Co., Ltd. Central Hospital, Zibo City, Shandong Province, Zibo 255120,China |
Abstract Objective To explore the application effect of 6S management method in drug management of elderly cardiovascular ward. Methods A total of 210 medicines in the department of cardiovascular medicine in our hospital from June to September in 2018 were selected. The 6S management method was adopted. The methods were mainly based on sorting, rectification, cleaning, cleaning, literacy and safety. Before and after the 6S management method, the incidence of adverse events such as 210 samples of drugs, unclear drug identification, unclear drug placement, and improvement of the staff safety awareness were observed. Results The total incidence of adverse events after the implementation of the 6S management method was lower than that before the implementation, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The scores and total scores of the staff′s safety awareness level after the implementation of the 6S management method were higher than those before the implementation, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The 6S management method can improve the safety awareness of the staff, reduce the incidence of adverse events such as drug taking errors, and improve the work efficiency.
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