Effect of different nutritional support program on respiratory muscle fatigue in respiratory intensive care unit |
ZHANG Shi-hao |
Department of Respiratory,People′s Hospital of Ganzhou City,Jiangxi Province,Ganzhou 341000,China |
Abstract ObjectiveTo compare and analyze the different application effects of two nutrition support schemes in respiratory intensive care patients with respiratory muscle fatigue.Methods60 cases of respiratory muscle fatigue were selected from May 2016 to May 2017 in our hospital.Adopting digital random method,were divided into observation group(n=30)and control group(n=30),the observation group patients give enteral parenteral nutrition support,control group patients give enteral nutrition support,only watch two groups of patients before and after nutritional support of nutrition indicators,(former protein albumin,hemoglobin,upper arm circumference(TSF)and arm muscle circumference(AC),triceps skinfold(MCAM)),immune function index and pulmonary function index.ResultsThe thickness of albumin,preprotein,hemoglobin,upper arm circumference,upper arm circumference,and triceps of the triceps were significantly better than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the observation group,FEV1%,FEV1/FVC,MIP,PaCO2,PaO2,and auxiliary respiratory muscle score were significantly better than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).ConclusionEnteral parenteral nutrition support can effectively improve the respiratory intensive care unit well fatigue nutritional status of patients,improve immune function,in order to improve the well ability of patients,improve pulmonary function,clinical use value.
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