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中国当代医药  2016, Vol. 23 Issue (12): 39-41    DOI:
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Clinical significance of white blood cells from blood in young and middle_ aged patients with schizophrenia
LV Dong1 XIAN Jun-ding2 XIE Bo3 WEN Jin-feng4 YIN Ling5 CHEN Ming-yang2 YIN Jing-wen1 LIN Ju-da1▲
1.Department of Psychiatric,Affi1iated Hospita1 of Guangdong Medica1 Co11ege,Zhanjiang 524001,China;
2.The Center for the Study of Life Qua1ity and App1ied Psycho1ogy,Institute of Humanities and Management,Guangdong Medica1 Co1-1ege,Dongguan 523808,China;
3.Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Hospita1 of Nanshan District in Shenzhen City,Shenzhen 518000,China;
4.Department of Psycho1ogy,Guangdong Three Nine Brain Hospita1,Guangzhou 510510,China;
5.Department of Psycho1ogy,the Third Peop1e′s Hospita1 of Jiangmen City in Guangdong Province,Jiangmen 529000,China
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