Principal component analysis on nutritional status related clinical laboratory indexes in elderly patients with severe pneumonia
XIONG Bo TANG Wan-ping ZAN Hai-feng YAN Xiao-yu ZENG Qiang-lin ZHOU Hui▲
Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease&Department of Respiratory Medicine,Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University,Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610081,China
Abstract ObjectiveTo explore the imbalance features of nutritional related clinical laboratory indexes in elderly patients with severe pneumonia(SP),and to analyze relationship between such change and mortality.Methods97 elderly patients with severe pneumonia from July 2013 to June 2015 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed,according to whether patients died,all patients were divided into the death group (38 cases)and the survival group (59 cases).The general data of patients′age,gender,course of disease,combined with basic diseases and clinical data were collected,and related nutrition indicators of hemoglobin(Hb),hematocrit(HCT),total protein(TP),albumin(Alb),prealbumin(PA),serum total cholesterol(CHO),serum creatinine(SCr)were selected,principal component analysis was used to extract comprehensive predictive factors,and comprehensive evaluation of each index was made.ResultsThe cumulative variance contribution rate of the first 4 common factors in the two groups was more than 85%,and in the contribution rates of each factor,λ1was 40.749,λ2was 21.216,λ3was 14.823,λ4was 10.098,λ5was 6.195,λ6was 3.978,λ7was 2.941.The principal component importance scores were as follows∶Hb was 0.140,HCT was 0.247,TP was 0.167,Alb was 0.179,SCr was 0.031,CHO was 0.159,PA was 0.079.ConclusionThe clinical nutrition related test indexes of elderly patients with severe pneumonia have different influence on the death patients and the survival patients,and their detection can play a potential role in auxiliary evaluation of the risk of death.
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